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Q: What do astronomers call systems with more than 2 stars?
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What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than two stars?

A multiple star system consists of three or more stars.

Why do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than 2 stars?

Such a system is a multiple-star system. If it contains exactly two stars then it is called a binary system.

Mizar is a star sytem that is composed of two pairs of stars Mizar A and Mizar B or four stars total. What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than two stars?

Mizar is a quadruple or quaternary star system. When there is more than two stars, it is called a star system or multiple star system or stellar system. Depending on the number of stars, they are also called a triple, quadruple or quintuple star system or trinary, ternary, quaternary, quintenary, sextuple, sextenary, septuple or septenary star system.

Why planets called planets?

The term planet came from greek astronomers. They called wandering stars asteres planetai. They called the fixed stars asteres aplanis. See the related link for more information.

Why do astronomers like stars?

Stars are fascinating for them. Even for an ordinary person who looks up on a clear night, the stars are interesting. If you look closely you will notice things, like the way some stars are brighter than others and some are actually different colours. Most people know the names of some constellations, usually from the signs of zodiac used in astrology, though they could not identify them in the sky. Some do know how to recognise other constellations. It is not difficult to get to know more of them. If you start looking at stars regularly, over the period of a few months, you will notice how they change positions and you start to see different ones. All of those things are something an ordinary person can see and do. An astronomer looks at things in a more detailed way, like why they are different levels of brightness and why they are different colours. They will easily be able to identify constellations and many individual stars. Ordinary people may look up and wonder things about the stars, while astronomers try to get the answers to those questions. An ordinary person can enjoy the night sky, while astronomers love to study the stars and the whole range of other things that are up there, like planets, comets, meteors, galaxies, the moon and so much more. For astronomers it can be anything from a simple hobby to a profession. So naturally they like stars.

Related questions

What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more that two stars?

A multiple star system consists of three or more stars.

What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than two stars?

A multiple star system consists of three or more stars.

Why do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than 2 stars?

Such a system is a multiple-star system. If it contains exactly two stars then it is called a binary system.

Why are telescope important to astronomers?

You can see more stars than with just the naked eye

Why do some stars blink more than others?

Stars twinkle because of atmospheric disturbances on Earth. Most stars are essentially constant in light output. There are however, variable stars, which are of great interest to Astronomers.

What is outside of the edge of the solar system?

well outside of our solar systems is more stars and more solar systems.

Why do astronomers believe that globular clusters are made of old stars?

Astronomers believe that globular clusters are made of old stars because they contain mainly low-mass, low-metallicity stars that are typically found in older stellar populations. The lack of heavy elements in these stars suggests they formed early in the history of the universe when these elements were scarce. Additionally, globular clusters are commonly found in the halos of galaxies, where older stars are more prevalent.

Why the development of the telescope with better magnification has helped astronomers to find out more about the universe?

It has allowed astronomers to find out more about the universe, creating clearer more detailed images, also allowing them to look further into the universe to see things such as distant galaxies, stars and planets.

Why has the development of the telescope with better magnification helped astronomers to find out more about the universe?

It has allowed astronomers to find out more about the universe, creating clearer more detailed images, also allowing them to look further into the universe to see things such as distant galaxies, stars and planets.

What type of scientist studies the Solar System stars and galaxies?

Collectively they are called Astronomers and Astrophysicists. Either professionals or amateurs.There are many types of astronomers, defined by how they study the stars. The most well-known are those that use optical telescopes followed closely by those that use Radio-telescope to pick up wavelengths other than visible light. there are many others and many other ways to collect data on the galaxies and stars.Astrophysicists are astronomers and may also collect direct data, yet they are more interested in the working behind the data. They deal in physics and theories of the galaxies.

Mizar is a star sytem that is composed of two pairs of stars Mizar A and Mizar B or four stars total. What do astronomers call a system that is composed of more than two stars?

Mizar is a quadruple or quaternary star system. When there is more than two stars, it is called a star system or multiple star system or stellar system. Depending on the number of stars, they are also called a triple, quadruple or quintuple star system or trinary, ternary, quaternary, quintenary, sextuple, sextenary, septuple or septenary star system.

What percentage of stars in the sky are thought to be members of binary systems?

Research over the last two centuries suggests that half or more of visible stars are part of multiple star systems.