

What do bromeliads look like?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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Bromeliads look like leaves and some do live in tree tops, but that sells the genus short. Bromeliads look like the top of a pineapple of which pineapple is considered a bromeliad.

Bromeliads are mostly epiphytes which means they do not need soil in which to grow hence the vision of them in tree tops. They capture the water and food they need by their almost funnel shape. They can also been seen growing in the forks of branches.

There are those that do require soil and those are classified as terrestrials like pineapple.

Bromeliads are one of the most sold and grown house plant. Thay are also related to orchids which share most of the same attributes.

I hope this helps

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The leaves are spiral shaped

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