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Butterflies feed by putting there proboscis (rolled up tongue) down the flower's stem and sucking up the nectar. They drink liquid to keep their water levels high, as well as their energy level. They feed on many plants and leaves. They are vegetarians.

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13y ago

go to the libary and get a book of butterflies and look up what they eat

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Q: What do butterflies feed with?
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What do butterflies eat from flowers?

Butterflies feed primarily on nectar from flowers

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What relationship exists between plants and butterflies?

Plants and butterflies have a symbiotic relationship. The plants benefit from the pollination services provided by the butterflies and the butterflies feed from the nectar of the flowers of the plants.

Are butterflys scavengers?

In general butterflies are not considered to be scavengers. Most butterflies feed on nectar and juice from plants. However, there are some species that feed on rotting fruits and dead animals.

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The birds and butterflies compete and the birds are also a limiting factor for the butterflies.

What insect do butterflies eat?

Butterflies do not eat insects, or any other solid food. Adult butterflies themselves do not eat, but drink. They usually feed on nectar from plant flowers or tree sap. Some butterflies will feed on the sugars in rotting fruits. The Harvester butterfly actually pierces the bodies of woolly aphids and drinks their fluids.

What do black swallowtail butterflies eat?

Like other butterflies, black swallowtails feed on flowering plants. The types of plants they feed from depends on their location and the availability of certain plant species.

Are butterflies a carnivore?

No. Adult butterflies do not eat solid food of any description. They usually feed on nectar from plant flowers or tree sap. Some butterflies will feed on the sugars in rotting fruits. The Harvester butterfly actually pierces the bodies of woolly aphids and drinks their fluids.

Do butterflies eat vegies?

No. Only the caterpillars of butterflies eat leaves and other plant parts. Adult butterflies themselves do not eat, but drink. They usually feed on nectar from plant flowers or tree sap. Some butterflies will feed on the sugars in rotting fruits. The Harvester butterfly actually pierces the bodies of woolly aphids and drinks their fluids.

Do butterflies eat trees?

No. Only the caterpillars of butterflies eat leaves and plant parts. Adult butterflies themselves do not eat, but drink. They usually feed on nectar from plant flowers or tree sap. Some butterflies will feed on the sugars in rotting fruits. The Harvester butterfly actually pierces the bodies of woolly aphids and drinks their fluids.

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How is a butterfly dependent on a flowering plant?

Butterflies depend on the nectar from flowers for food. Without the flowering plants that they feed from, butterflies would starve.