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Embryos dont need to survive.

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Developing embryos require a stable environment with proper nutrients, oxygen, and temperature. They also need protection from harmful substances and proper genetic programming for healthy development. Additionally, they rely on the mother's body for support in terms of shelter and nourishment.

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Q: What do developing embryos require for survival?
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What two things do all developing embryos need?

All developing embryos need a source of nutrients for growth and development, as well as proper oxygen supply for metabolism. These two factors are essential to support the key processes of cell division and differentiation during embryonic development.

In way are all developing embryos similar?

All developing embryos go through a series of stages, from fertilization to differentiation and organ formation. They also possess a similar genetic code, containing the instructions necessary for development. Additionally, all embryos start as a single cell and undergo cell division to form a multicellular organism.

What is the function of a embryo in an egg?

The embryo in an egg is the developing organism that eventually hatches into a new individual. It is responsible for growing and developing the necessary structures and organs needed for survival outside the egg.

How can an embryo reproduce?

An embryo cannot reproduce. Reproduction involves the production of offspring by an organism, typically through sexual or asexual means, and embryos are not fully developed organisms capable of reproducing. Embryos are in the early stages of development and require further growth and maturation before they can reach reproductive maturity.

How are embryos frozen?

Embryos are frozen through a process called vitrification, where they are rapidly cooled to extremely low temperatures with the help of cryoprotectants. This method prevents the formation of ice crystals that can damage the embryos. The frozen embryos are then stored in liquid nitrogen until they are ready to be thawed for use.

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what is the source of nourishment for developing fish embryos?

What body system nutures and protects developing embryos?

The female reproductive system nurtures and protects developing embryos. The circulatory and endocrine systems also have a role in this nurture and protection.

What is the relationship between the number of embryos produced by a mating and their chances of survival?

In general, the more embryos produced by a mating, the lower the individual survival chances of each embryo due to competition for resources. However, producing more embryos can increase the likelihood that at least some survive to reproductive age, thus potentially increasing overall reproductive success. It ultimately depends on the species and its specific reproductive strategies.

What two things do all developing embryos need?

All developing embryos need a source of nutrients for growth and development, as well as proper oxygen supply for metabolism. These two factors are essential to support the key processes of cell division and differentiation during embryonic development.

In way are all developing embryos similar?

All developing embryos go through a series of stages, from fertilization to differentiation and organ formation. They also possess a similar genetic code, containing the instructions necessary for development. Additionally, all embryos start as a single cell and undergo cell division to form a multicellular organism.

Where do developing embryos of animals get their food from?

If the animal comes from an egg it will get its nutrients from the yolk. If it is a mammal it will get it from the umbilical cord.

What would two developing embryos that contained the same genetic code look like?

Identical twins.

Why do tiger shark embryos fight each other in their mother's womb?

i think it is because to see who is the survival one.

Which characteristic of sexual reproduction has specifically favored the survival of animals that live on land?

Internal fertilization is a characteristic of sexual reproduction that has favored the survival of animals that live on land. This adaptation helps protect the developing embryos from drying out in terrestrial environments and enhances the chances of successful reproduction.

How do snakes have live births?

Instead of laying eggs, the developing embryos form and grow inside the female snake, and are 'born' when their time is ready.

Do fish lay their eggs in water?

Yes, most fish lay their eggs in water. This is because fish require water for their eggs to hatch and develop. The water helps protect the eggs and provides the necessary oxygen and nutrients for the developing embryos.

Are eggs produced by hens at a commercial egg farm fertilized at all by a male?

No. If that were to happen, there would be embryos (baby chicks) developing inside, so......