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In terms of using home tanning beds, doctors recommend you don't do it because of the size and fire hazard. You can read more at

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Q: What do doctors recommend in terms of using home tanning beds?
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Good and cheap sun tan products?

I think it would be wise to avoid using the sun as a source to tan is dangerous, so I would recommend maybe using a self tanning lotion. Jergens has a self tanning lotion that's affordable and you don't have to worry about the risks of suntanning or using a tanning booth.

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Massage recliners are great for patients with backaches. Doctors recommend it in addition to using heat as well. If the pain is severe, see your doctor.

What can you use to protect your eyes when using a tanning bed?

You can use protective goggles or eye shields when using a tanning bed.

Should you use tanning oil when using a tanning bed?

Tanning oil should not be used when using a tanning bed. Aside from the damage you may do to the equipment, the oil will increase the damage done to your skin and doesn't provide SPF protection.

How old are children recommended to be before they start using a tanning bed?

They have to be 14 or older to start tanning.

Can you use outdoor sunblock when tanning indoors?

Only if it is NOT oil based. if it is oil based it will scratch the tanning bed. otherwise It is a waste of money spent on tanning to wear spf in the tanning bed because it inhibits your exposure.

Does a tanning bed effect your organs?

does using a tanning bed have any negative effect on your organs or reproductive system

How are skin pigmentation disorders prevented?

Prevention. In most cases, doctors will recommend using sunscreen and avoiding too much sun exposure.

What can you use to protect your skin when using a tanning bed?

You can

Why do you get a rash after tanning in a tanning bed?

you should never get a rash! i recommend seeing a doctor and then find a new tanning company. ^untrue. A rash after tanning can be due to several different factors. The most likely being heat flush, when you lay down for too long under the UV lamps, your skin can get itchy. I would try moving around a little more on the bed, it could also be due to not using a lotion, or your skin being to dry.

How dangerous are tanning machines for your skin?

Tanning machines are not much more dangerous than the sun. However, tanning machines can damage your eyes night vision. When using tanning machines it is important to cover up your eyes.

Will redheads get freckles or a tan in a tanning bed?

Redheads can burn more easily, even in a tanning bed. Freckles can turn darker, whether using the sun or a tanning bed.