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Milk. Milk has a vitamin called Vitamin D. That helps bones get strong.

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Q: What do doctors use to help heal fractured bones?
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Can magnets help broken bones heal faster?

It has not been scientifically proved that magnets can help heal bones.

Can a chiropractor help a cracked tail-bone?

If the tailbone is fractured then the answer is no! Fractured bones are out of the scope of practice of a doctor of chiropractic. If the problem is pain in the tailbone region, and a fracture is only suspected, then doctor of chiropractic may be able to help. They will be able to x-ray you and inform you of whether or not it is fractured and how they may be able to help.

Can fire heal diseases?

Diseases no. However it can be used to heal or help bruises and broken bones depending on how serious the injury is.

How will you help a person with a fractured bone?

You splint it and go to hospital for medical treatment as soon as possible.

What will happen if a bone tibia and fibula is fracture?

If the tibia or fibula bone is fractured, they will need to be healed. A doctor will put the limb in a cast to help them heal.

How does chocolate milk help with sore muscles?

it has a lot of calcium wich helps heal bones and muscles

Are bones living or nonliving?

Bones are living. Think of it this way, if bones weren't "alive", they wouldn't be able to heal if broken. They are made up of cells that heal the wound, the bone is really just a hard shell that keeps you upright and a home for all those cells.

How do you heal a dog's fractured toe?

1.Go to a vet 2 use splint and bandage roll /plaster. 3. Do not let the dog use the fractured toe leg.(normally they start hopping on three legs) 4.pain killer help to give the dog some relief.

Does sleep help heal broken bones?

I think it does. When you're sleeping, your body heals at the same time. So it seems logical.

What did other countries do to help haiti?

they sent water and food to help the people of haiti. they also send the top doctors to try to heal and care for the sick and injured people

What are doctors for?

Doctors help people in need of medical attention, whether it involves broken bones or viruses. In some cases doctors will have to analyze a patent's symptoms, and give a diagnostic, and then later prescribe(give them) medicine.

How do Doctors Heal Bruises?

For small bruises, it is sufficient to leave them to heal themselves. For larger bruising, applying cold before the first 24 hours will help prevent bruising, then heat after 24 hours will dissapate the bruise.