

What do drumlins look like?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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10y ago

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Inverted spoon, occurring in swarms.

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What are glaciers forming long smooth hills?

They are called drumlins.

What do you call a group of drumlins?

A group of drumlins are referred to as a (basket of eggs)

Is drumlin erosion or deposition?

Drumlins are caused by both erosion and deposition. These drumlins are found in the lowlands of Scotland and are small egg shaped hills.

Where are drumlins and eskers usually found?

Drumlins and eskers are found in glacial areas. Drumlins are hills made of glacial sediment and till, while eskers are long ridges of glacial drift.

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Farmers often plant crops on drumlins because their soil is deep and well-drained.

Where are drumlin's found?

Drumlins are found on a hill

How does man make use of drumlins?

Drumlins are often used for agriculture and development. They can provide fertile soil for farming and are sometimes utilized as sites for building infrastructure such as roads or homes. Additionally, they can serve as natural barriers for protecting against erosion and flooding.

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What are moraines and drumlins created by?

When glaciers advance or retreat, the sediments left behind create a moraine. Drumlins are created by the flow of glaciers that mold sediment into streamlined, elongated hills.

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