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Q: What do eardrums do when sound hits them?
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What is the vibration of sound waves on eardrums?

The vibrations caused by sound waves onto your eardrums are pressure compressions and rarefactions.

What is an eardrums function?

amplifys sound

What is A very intense sound?

It breaks your eardrums.

What makes the eardrums vibrate?

sound vibrations

What do eardrums do when sound waves reach them?

The eardrums are like an omnidirectional microphone. The sound pressure vibrates the membrane (diaphragm) of the eardrum and the microphone only from one side.

How loud can a sound get before your eardrums pop?

That depends on the test person. Some eardrums pop when the sound pressure is more than 130 dBSPL. That hurts very much.

How the ears receive or detect sound?

eardrums . You're Welcome!

What is the use of ears?

To collect sound waves en direct them to our internal eardrums

How does your ear work?

The sound waves (which have to travel through some kind of matter to exist) travel in your ear, then hit your eardrums, making them vibrate. These vibrations of your eardrums send a signal to your brain, telling it what sound has been made.

What is receiving soundwaves?

Receiving sound waves is the process by which sound travels in form of waves and is received by our eardrums to be heard.

How do millipedes sound?

No, they do not hear with eardrums, but in fact "hear" with their legs by detecting vibrations.

How is sound pollution loud and annoying sounds harmful to us?

it can burst your eardrums leaving you deaf