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Elders consider factors like compatibility, shared values, family background, and socioeconomic status when matching spouses in "The Giver." They aim to create stable and harmonious relationships that align with the community's values and goals.

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Q: What do elders consider when matching spouses The giver?
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How are spouses chosen for the citizens the giver?

Spouses in "The Giver" are chosen for citizens through a process of observation and analysis by the community's Elders, who consider factors like compatibility, temperament, and personality to make the most suitable matches. It is a regulated process to ensure harmony and stability within the community.

In the giver what are the responsibilities of the Committee of Elders?

The responsibilities of the Committee of Elders are to assign spouses, assign children, pick Assignments for the Twelve's, etc.

When does the spouses get children in The Giver?

In "The Giver," spouses are assigned children when they apply for parental roles at the Ceremony of Twelve. Once selected, the children are assigned to them by the Committee of Elders.

How are spouses chosen in The Giver?

In The Giver, spouses are chosen by the Committee of Elders based on compatibility in personality and temperament. The decision is made around the age of 17 or 18, and the couple is expected to have children together. Love and personal preference are not factors in the selection process.

What are the responsibilities of committee of the elder in the giver?

The responsibilities of the Committee of Elders are to assign spouses, assign children, pick Assignments for the Twelve's, etc.

In the novel the giver how is the matching of the spouses done and by whom?

In the novel "The Giver," spouses are matched through a committee of Elders who determine the best pairings based on compatibility and suitability for each other. The process involves careful consideration of various factors such as personalities, skills, and temperaments to create stable and harmonious relationships in the community.

In what areas of life do the members of the community have free choice the giver?

In "The Giver," members of the community do not have free choice in their jobs, spouses, or families. The elders assign roles and responsibilities based on skills and preferences, resulting in a lack of individual autonomy in these aspects of life.

How do people get spouses and children in The Giver?

For spouses, people are "assigned" to each other. For children, they are once again "assigned" to their children - 1 boy 1 girl. Both you have to apply for.

In the book The Giver can Jonas apply for a spouse?

In the society depicted in The Giver, spouses are assigned to individuals by the community's elders, and people do not get to choose their own partners. Jonas would not be able to apply for a spouse based on his own preferences or desires.

In the book The Giver what do they smack the elders with?

Discipline Wand

Who is in charge of the ceremonies in the giver?

The Council of Elders are in charge of the ceremonies.

When is the giver called upon to advise the elders?

The giver is called upon to advise the elders when they need guidance or insight on important decisions that impact the community. The giver's wisdom and memories of the past are valued for providing clarity and perspective on various issues.