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1) Glaciers carve fjords in valleys where they travel. A fjord is a long, narrow valley with steep sides carved by glacial movement. A fjord represents the seaward end of a deeply excavated glacial-trough valley that was partially submerged by drowning after melting of the ice.

2) Glaciers leave behind deposits known as glacial till, which are unstratified, poorly-sorted sediments. Glaciers move a wide range of sedimentary particles from small clay-sized particles to large boulders. When the glacier either melts or retreats, these poorly-sorted sediments are deposited. These deposits are known as tillite in lithified sedimentary rocks.

3) A mound or ridge of till (unstratified glacial drift) is deposited when a glacier begins to retreat or melt. As the glacier grows and extends, it pushes glacial drift at its front forming a mound of debris. This glacial drift is then dropped in place when the glacier retreats or melts which creates a terminal moraine. Medial moraines, which are formed by the conjunction of two glaciers, are also deposited as a glacial melts. Glaciers erode the sides of the valleys in which they travel. Therefore, when two glaciers unite (in much the same rivers unite), a line of glacial drift (medial moraines) from both glaciers is formed.

4) Glaciers leave scrape marks behind on the rocks on which they traveled.

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15y ago
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15y ago

What Glaciers leave behind is called slag deposit. It is sedimentary rock and earth that was erroded away and carried by the glacier, possibly over a distance of hundreds of miles.

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11y ago

there are two different pieces of evidence. One piece is that there will be a u-shaped valley also, there will be unsorted sediment deposit

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Q: What do glaciers leave behind as evidence of their existence?
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