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The question cannot be definitively answered from the information given. It depends on the isotope what the decay modes are.

Brookhaven National Labs has an interactive chart of nuclides; you can click on a particular isotope and see the half-life and decay modes. I've put a link to it in the Related Links section.

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1w ago

Heavy nuclei typically emit alpha particles (composed of two protons and two neutrons) or beta particles (electrons or positrons) during decay as they seek to become more stable by reaching a more balanced ratio of protons and neutrons.

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16y ago

Alpha particles, protons, neutrons, electrons, neutrinos, nucleus of lighter elements, electro magnetic radiation and so on.

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Q: What do heavy nuclei emit when they decay?
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What is the spontaneous process through which unstable nuclei emit radiation?

The spontaneous process in which unstable nuclei emit radiation is called radioactive decay. During this process, the unstable nucleus releases energy in the form of alpha particles, beta particles, or gamma rays in order to become more stable.

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Jerry Lewis Pietenpol has written: 'Atomic corrections to electric-quadrupole gamma decay by heavy nuclei' -- subject(s): Gamma decay, Heavy nuclei, Spectrum analysis

Process which unstable nuclei emit radiation is called?

This process through which unstable nuclei emit radiation is called radioactive decay. It also is called nuclear decay, and it is a natural process in which an atom of an isotope decomposes into a new element.

Is spontaneous fusion a form of radioactive decay?

No, the fusion process is the opposite of the radioactive decay process. Fusion is the merging together of nuclei to form a heavier nucleus whereas fission or radioactive decay is the splitting apart of a heavy nucleus into lighter daughter nuclei.

What nuclear decay process has a heavy isotope attracts an electron in the lower energy level into its positively charged nucleus?

K capture, a special case of inverse beta decay that doesn't emit a positron (but it does emit an electron neutrino)

Are neutrons and electrons in radioactive isotopes?

Because the structure of their nuclei is unstable: too many or too few neutrons, excess energy causing metastable state, etc. To get more stable they decay, emitting alpha, beta, and/or gamma radiation.

What is the process in which a heavy nucleus divides to form smaller nuclei one or two neutrons and a large amount of energy?

The process you are referring to is nuclear fission. In this process, a heavy nucleus such as uranium-235 is bombarded with a neutron, causing it to split into two smaller nuclei, along with the release of one or two additional neutrons and a significant amount of energy. This chain reaction is the basis for nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons.

Why do nuclei decay?

To become stable

What are two types of beta decay for radioactive elements?

Some isotopes emit an electron on decay, others emit a positron (anti-electron).

What is nuclei that has unstable decay known as?

Atomic nuclei that are unstable and decaying are said to be radioactive. Radioactive decay involves alpha, beta and gamma particle emissions.

What are atoms that emit particles and energy from their nuclei?


Alpha and beta decay emit what?
