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Q: What do low gran and high lymph mean in a blood test?
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Why is your gran percent low on blood test?

igh granpercent blood count mean

What does high lymph mean?

when a person is suffering from lymphocytosis

What does the medical abbreviation gran mean?

"Gran" is a medical abbreviation for granulocyte, which is a type of white blood cell involved in the immune response to infection and inflammation.

My blood test results for lymph was 7 percent what does that mean?

it means lymphopenia

What does low lymph mean on blood test?

it is observed in acute stage of infections, and in excess irradiation.

What does it mean when your blood test lymph is hi?

Lymph is the fluid in your lymphatic system. This system houses many lymphocytes that help to fight infection. The lymph system also returns fluid to the bloodstream that is lost while water and nutrients leave the bloodstream and enter various tissues. If there is a lot of lymph that could mean you are producing more lymphocytes i.e. you have an infection. You should probably just go ask your doctor.

What is a low lymph auto in a hematology blood test?

A low lymph level on a blood test may mean several things. If the level is only a little low a viral infection could cause the low, if the low lymph persists, further testing should be done to rule out cancer and problems with the spleen.

What does the medical bracelet 'limb alert' mean?

It means that limb has challenged lymph drainage (e.g. after lymph node dissection during Breast cancer surgery). The bracelet reminds people not to take blood, insert IVs, or take a blood pressure on that arm.

What does Im gran mean on a blood test and is this the same as bands?

immature granulocytes on the blood count - I just called lab because I got one on my tests results

What are normal ABS lymph blood lab results?

ABS lymph is a better indicator of a persons infection activity in the body. ABS lymph may be elevated with lymphoma and many other disease processes. I recommend a book at your local bookstore called Interpreting lab values. It will show you an greater detail what high and low values mean on many of the lab tests done in hospitals and research centers.

What does a high BA on blood test mean?

A high BA on a blood test means that you have high basophils levels. Typically, this is in reference to your white blood cell count.