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This is jweezy telling you that major parties will steal the minor parties ideas to get the success of the minor parties and their voters. They will study and recognize the importance of their issues and then claim that the same issue that was grabbing major attention was one of the major issues of their campaign, smh poiticians hacch spiou

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Q: What do major parties with minor parties ideas?
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What is a major reason why minor parties fail most of the time?

One of the major parties takes over their ideas ^^

Minor parties have contributed MOST to US politics by?

Causing major parties to consider, and sometimes adopt, their ideas. Often, it takes a smaller party to put forward a new or potentially controversial idea-- it may not be a bad idea, but it may be perceived as controversial because it goes against what the majority party has espoused up to that point. The two major parties (Republicans and Democrats) often tend to be very cautious when proposing new policies, for fear of alienating voters. They stick to their established talking points, and hesitate to violate the expectations of those who have supported them. But the minor or smaller parties feel they have less to lose, since the people who voted for their party did so with an expectation that they would be different and make bolder proposals. When a minor party introduces a new policy idea and gets it into the political discussion, there is the chance that, gradually, the proposal might gain some traction, to the point where it is ultimately adopted and implemented by a major party.

Over time the ideas first developed by minor parties are often?


. What is one effect that minor parties have on the American political system?

They take votes away from major parties candidates.

Why are third parties important?

minor, or third, parties appear from time to time. although no third-party candidate has ever been elected president, minor parties do affect election outcomes. they take votes from major parties and they call attention to certain issues.

Related questions

What is the major reason minor parties fail most of the time?

One of the major parties takes over their ideas ^^

What is a major reason why minor parties fail most of the time?

One of the major parties takes over their ideas ^^

What is the reason why minor parties fail most of the time?

One of the major parties takes over their ideas ^^

If a minor party gains a large followingwhat is almost certain?

The major parties will try to capture its supporters

Why is the innovator fole a source of frustration to minor parties?

IF YOU MEANT ROLE: For the minor parties, the very important innovator role has been a major source of frustration. By the time their proposals gain any real degree of popular support, one or sometimes both of the major parties have already taken over the ideas and presented the policies as their own.Read more: Why_is_the_innovator_role_a_source_of_frustration_to_minor_parties

What is a major reason why parties fail most of the time?

One of the major parties takes over their ideas ^^

Why is the innovator role a source of frustration to minor parties.?

For the minor parties, the very important innovator role has been a major source of frustration. By the time their proposals gain any real degree of popular support, one or sometimes both of the major parties have already taken over the ideas and presented the policies as their own.

What is on effect that minor parties have on the American political system?

They take votes away from major parties candidates.

How are the politics of US affected by minor parties?

minor parties change election results by pulling votes from major party candidates?

Minor parties have contributed MOST to US politics by?

Causing major parties to consider, and sometimes adopt, their ideas. Often, it takes a smaller party to put forward a new or potentially controversial idea-- it may not be a bad idea, but it may be perceived as controversial because it goes against what the majority party has espoused up to that point. The two major parties (Republicans and Democrats) often tend to be very cautious when proposing new policies, for fear of alienating voters. They stick to their established talking points, and hesitate to violate the expectations of those who have supported them. But the minor or smaller parties feel they have less to lose, since the people who voted for their party did so with an expectation that they would be different and make bolder proposals. When a minor party introduces a new policy idea and gets it into the political discussion, there is the chance that, gradually, the proposal might gain some traction, to the point where it is ultimately adopted and implemented by a major party.

Would minor parties have been known for introducing innovative ideas?


Over time the ideas first developed by minor parties are often?
