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Q: What do musicians do before they play a gamelan?
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What do musicians do befor they play in the gamelan?

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How many people play in a gamelan ochestra?

A typical gamelan orchestra can consist of around 20 to 30 musicians but can vary in size depending on the type of gamelan and the specific music being performed.

Why do gamelan musicians never step over their instruments?

Gamelan musicians like to respect their instruments. They believe that the instruments have a connection to their God and that stepping over the instruments would break the connection.

How gamelan musicians play their instruments?

Gamelan instruments are usually played with a hammer or stick. It is a general term referring to instruments such as gongs, drums and xylophones. The word "gamelan" actually means "to hammer", but some gamelan instruments are also plucked (stringed instruments) or blown (bamboo pipes).

Why do gamelan musicians take off their shoes when playing?

for them not to make the spirits angry and to make sure they worshiped them

What is the word for 'play' in Indonesian?


Do people play different instruments in a gamelan band?


How do you play gamelan?

you play by using percussion damping stopping the instrument from going on and on and on.

How did people in Java learn how to play gamelan music?

The people of Java learn gamelan music as an oral tradition. The first gamelan was played as a way to send messages to the gods. After the introduction of Catholisism to Java, Gamelan music was used in services to some extent.

What sort of music does a gamelan play?

they play instuments involving cello tape and po

Why can't gamelan orchestras all play together?

because they cant play properly

Why can't gamelan orchestras play all together?

because they cant play properly