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Q: What do people do on this day?
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What is the day after Labor Day?

well for most people is school and most people day off

Is Valentine's Day a day to love people?

Every day is a day to love people, but Valentine's Day is a holiday set aside to make sure that the people we love know how much we care about them.

What can people do 10000 times a day?

People can blink 10000 times a day.

How many people get bullied ever day?

millions of people every day

What is a office day?

A day when people are at work.

What is world aged day?

World Aged Day is a day designated by the United Nations to raise awareness about the importance of elderly individuals in society and to promote their well-being. It is celebrated annually on October 1st to highlight the contributions and challenges faced by older people around the world.

Is it true that December 8th is the day people fall in love?

ye it is because is the day people fall in love <3 that is a special day o people

How did people live day to day in incas?

people can live day because they eat correctly and exercise and balanced diet

How people in frace celebrate Bastille day today?

people clebrate bastille day

What do people celebrate on StPatrick's Day?

People celebrate St.Patrick's Day for the Irish culture

How many people laugh A day?

About 2 billion people laugh every day