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To get more sunlight for a higher rate of photosynthesis

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It can trap more sunlight

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Why leaf A is smaller in size than Leaf B.

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Q: What do plants tilt their leaves upwards during noon time?
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What is the compass plant's unusual talent?

they have leaves that tend to lie in a plane at right angles, usually North and South, so can be used to tell directions

How does a plant photosynthesize?

Plants photosynthesize by using chlorophyll, a pigment in their cells, to absorb sunlight. This energy is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells.

How does the amount of sunlight affect the growth of a plant?

Most all plants need Sunlight in order to turn Co2 and other elements into stored energy. Chlorophyll (the mostly green stuff) catches this and this is why plants are nutritious to humans too! Also plants need sunlight to preform photothsis and photothsis creates sugar that the plants need to surviveAnswerDirect outdoor sunlight is in the range 32.000 to 100.000 LyX, 100.000 LyX at noon, at the same time approximately 10.000 LyX in shadow. Generally : no plant can survive below 800 LyX (no photosynthesis, no chemical reactions). Most plants require 5.000 LyX and more. So-called shadow plants can "survive" within 800 to 1.500 LUX.

Two butterflies went out at Noon omitted words?

Re: "Two butterflies went out at noon" - there were two versions of this poem by Emily Dickinson published. The original version was written in 1862; I'm not sure of the other's date. There was also another unfinished worksheet poem that was NOT published. You can find the original, finished version and the unfinished worksheet poem in "Emily Dickinson An Interpretive Biography" by Thomas H. Johnson in Chapter VI, "The Business of Circumference - Meaning in Poetry". Emily Dickinson was constantly altering and leaving different versions or phrases for various poems; "Success is countest sweetest" had three versions. I hope this helps answer your question.The other version of "Two butterflies went out at noon" that is less well-known I found on at the following link:

Where is the dividing cells of a nail located?

Nails grow by mitosis of cells in the stratum germinativum beneath the lunula (it looks like part of the noon) on the nail bed; average growth is about 0.5 mm per week, or slightly over 1 inch per year.

Related questions

Why does a plant tilt its leaves upwards at noon time?

Plants are heliotropic, that is they have the ability to move in order to maximize the amount of solar radiation that they absorb - think of it as moving solar panels.

What time rockhopper leave?

Rockhopper leaves after 12:00 noon or after normally he goes after 12:00 noon

What time does Rockhopper leave?

Rockhopper leaves after 12:00 noon or after normally he goes after 12:00 noon

Is leaves a homograph?

Yes.Example sentences:She leaves her job at noon every day.The red maple leaves blew from the tree.

What time titanic leaves at sothhappen?

12 noon, April 10th, 1912.

What started the system of the standard time that we use today?

The railroads. When railroading started, time was based on the position of the sun: when it is directly overhead, it's "noon." Or, on a clock, 12:00. The problem with that is, what is "noon" in Chicago is not noon in Detroit or Milwaukee. This makes it hard to calculate timetables--if it takes an hour to go from Alphaville to Bravoville, you then have to work in a time correction factor. Worse: if a train leaves Alphaville going to Bravoville at noon, and a train leaves Bravoville going to Alphaville at noon, they're going to reach their destinations at different times. So, they came up with a "standard time" deal. They divided the nation into four sections, because it takes four hours for the sun to pass across the US. Then they decided noon would be when the sun got to the middle of each section. Now, if a train leaves Bravoville for Alphaville at noon and one leaves Alphaville for Bravoville at noon, they'll both reach their destinations at the same time.

When is the sun highest during the day?

At noon.

Why you feel hungry during noon even if you eat breakfast?

You are hungry at noon because your stomach is empty.

Why is the sun high in the sky at noon?

Well, you're looking at it backwards. The concept of "noon" is man-made. Noon describes that point during the day when the sun is directly (or nearly) overhead. So, to answer your question, the sun is high in the sky at noon because we define "noon" as that time during the day when the sun is high in the sky.

What is the tree who has white leaves in morning red in noon green in evening and black in night?

Its in England

What is the compass plant's unusual talent?

they have leaves that tend to lie in a plane at right angles, usually North and South, so can be used to tell directions

When during the day should you look for your shadow?

at noon time