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There are several components that rocks contain that benefit the soil. One of those elements is phosphorous to help strengthen the roots. Other elements are nitrates, carbon, and potassium.

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Q: What do rocks contain that is good for the soil?
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What do rocks contain that are so good for the soil?

Rocks contain several nutrients including potassium, magnesium, and iron. Pumice stones, which are best for the soil, also contain copper, calcium, and manganese which enrich the soil. Igneous rocks are able to hold in moisture that is beneficial to the soil and releases it as needed.

Why is volcanic soil good for growing plants?

Volcanic soil is good for growing plants because the soil that forms from volcanic rocks contain nutrients that many plants need to grow.

How is does soil form and what does soil contain?

Rocks and other sediments get weathered to a point where they are so small, becoming soil.

What do rocks have that are so good for soil?

The minerals from the rocks

Can vitamins be found in rocks or soil?

Rocks and soil usually contain elements such as minerals, nutrients like iron and boitin metallics elements as such only.

Why are earthworms good for soil?

worms are good for soil because they weather rocks

What do rocks contain that are so good for soil?

Rocks contain certain minerals that improve the elemental content of the soil. These elements aid the growth and development of plants. Examples of these minerals are phosphorus, nitrate compounds, carbon, and potassium. Phosphorus helps the roots of a plant. Nitrates help the development of a plant. Potassium helps the flowers. There are many other minerals in rocks that are beneficial.

What is the layer of rocks and soil with pores that contain air as well as water called?

Saturated Zone .

Does soil have rocks in it?

Yes soil does contain rocks in it the most comman are sand, silt and clay. The smallest is clay sand can go from 0.5 to 2mm, and silt and clay go from 0.200 to 0.5.

How are rocks changed into soil?

rocks are chaged to soil by earths layering

Why sob soil is not suitable for plant growth?

The sob soil is not good for plants only there is few rocks

What do comits contain?

they contain gas and rocks they contain gas and rocks