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Shrews are small, insect-eating mammals that are highly active and prefer to forage for food at night. They have a high metabolic rate and need to eat frequently to survive. Shrews burrow underground to create nests and hide from predators.

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Are water shrews poisonous?

Water shrews have venomous saliva, but cannot puncure the skin of large mammals, like humans. Watch out for water shrews!!!

Why are shrews poisonous to cats?

Water shrews have venomous saliva, but cannot puncure the skin of large mammals, like humans. Watch out for water shrews!!!

Do shrews have web feet?

No shrews don't have webbed feet platypuses and duck do but not shrews

Are shrews decomposers?

Shrews are not decomposers. But they are omnivores.

What is a group of shrews called?

A group of shrews is called a "muddle."

Are elephant shrews autotrophic or heterotrophic?

Like all animals they are heterotrophic.

Do shrews live in a group?

No, shrews are typically solitary animals and do not live in groups. They are territorial and will defend their own space from other shrews.

Why do shrews live?

shrews live in the rainforests of Asia

How are African Shrews different from Eurasian Shrews?

African shrews south of the Sahara have 50 chromosomes. Shrews living primarily in Ethiopia have 36 chromosomes. Shrews living in Eurasia and northern Africa have 40 chromosomes. There are several exceptions to this.

Where do golden rumped elephant shrews live and what do they eat?

Most of the golden rumped elephant shrews live in Kenya. They eat many invertebrates, like beetles, termites, and earthworms.

What habitat do shrews like to live in?

It loves hunting alot most of the times.

Do shrews fly?

No, shrews do not fly. They are small, nocturnal animals.