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Tests can be replaced as the court redefines limits on civil liberties

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What do the events in this timeline suggest about how the Supreme Court has interpreted equal protection?

Paraphrasing - It has expanded rights for minorities and women, but limited programs that benefit minorities

How were the courts defined by the Constitution?

Courts have jurisdiction over interpretations of the constitution and can suggest amendments. The supreme court was the only one mentioned in the US constitution.

A public high school cites the establishment clause to explain why students may not pray on campus. How does this interpretation conflict with the free exercise clause of the First Amendment?

The free exercise clause says that all citizens may worship as they choose.

When is a Supreme Court decision irrelevant?

A Supreme Court decision is only irrelevant in two ways. The first is "de facto". This is when a decision is obviated by the fact that it no longer has any practical meaning. For instance, let's suggest that the Supreme Court once ruled on the use of debt sold by the government from 1800 to 1810. Now in 2008 that debt has either no value or no longer exists, so the law pertaining to that simply does not matter. De facto is latin for "in fact" or "in practice". The more common and controversial way is when the Court overrules a previous decision. This happened with Plessy v Ferguson and then Brown v Board of Education. In Brown v Board, the Court decided that its earlier decision of Plessy was a mistake so it was struck down and thus became irrelevant.

What procedure did the US Supreme Court suggest might be used against an unruly defendant during a trial proceeding and in what decision was the procedure suggested?

Illinois v. Allen :: 397 U.S. 337 (1970) It basically means a defendant has a right to be present during a trial, as per Constitutional rights, unless the defendant is disruptive. Then, the person can be removed and the trial go on without the person there.

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Who has power to suggest impeachment?

supreme court

What do these headlines suggest about undocumented immigrants civil liberties?

While courts have protected undocumented immigrants’ civil liberties, some argue that those protections are being ignored

What do the events in this timeline suggest about how the Supreme Court has interpreted equal protection?

Paraphrasing - It has expanded rights for minorities and women, but limited programs that benefit minorities

How do you make a timeline on the computer?

insert, smart art, process, i suggest the basic timelinee....

What is the battleground near Boston where the decloration of independace was signed?

The place where the Declaration of Independence was not a battle field, but the Pennsylvania state house. I think you are confused and I suggest you do a timeline to help you.

How were the courts defined by the Constitution?

Courts have jurisdiction over interpretations of the constitution and can suggest amendments. The supreme court was the only one mentioned in the US constitution.

How does the judges decide if something is unconstitutional?

The Supreme Court has the unwritten policy of judicial review. This means that they can check amendments and bills that the other two branches of the federal government suggest. If a law seems to be unconstitutional, and not written in the constitution, the Supreme Court can decide it is unconstitutional.

Which year of the revolutionary war were the article of confederation written out of 1775 1777 1789 1784?

1784. 1775-1777 were the years of the war and 1789 is when Washington became president so the constitution was in effect. I suggest you make a timeline to help you.


No, the president may suggest a military officer be removed from rank, but the final decision must be checked by the supreme court. This is a measure of checks and balances.

What is the goal of life in the Hindu faith?

Real goal of life according to Hinduism is to attain Moksha (liberation). Also many belief suggest that it is to be united with one Supreme God.

How do you play the game of Go?

You put down a stone. You must surround a stone by its 4 points, or liberties. Once that is possible, you can capture the stone. The main point of the game is to obtain as much territory as possible. I suggest you use white, because they get KOMI(extra points)

Should I get the joints in my hand checked for arthritis?

I'd suggest googling their name; any establishment dealing with things along those lines is going to have a website of their own without question. They should have all the financial information posted readily.