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No, they do not. A wave transfers energy but the matter does not move forward with the wave.

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13y ago

energy, but not matter

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Q: What do waves carry from place to place?
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What do electo magnetic waves carry?

Electromagnetic waves always carry energy, and may alsocarry information, from place to place.

Do waves carry matter from place to place?

No, waves do not carry matter from place to place. Waves transfer energy from one point to another by causing vibrations in a medium, but the particles in the medium do not move with the wave.

What do different waves carry carry from one place to another?

Different waves can carry energy or information from one place to another. For instance, electromagnetic waves like light carry energy, while sound waves carry vibrations that our ears perceive as sound. Water waves transfer energy through the water, such as in ocean waves.

What do waves carry that is common to all waves?

All waves carry energy. This energy can be transferred from one place to another without transferring matter.

What do energy waves not carry with it?

Energy waves do not carry matter with them. While energy waves can transfer energy from one place to another, they do not transport physical particles along with them.

What do waves not carry?

because they just waves they are heavy most of the time

What can carry energy from one place to another by periodic motions?

Waves can carry energy from one place to another through periodic motions. Examples include sound waves moving through air and water waves traveling across an ocean.

Do all waves carry energy but not matter?

Yes, all waves carry energy but not matter. Waves transfer energy from one place to another but do not involve the physical displacement of matter.

What do Light waves carry from place to place?

Light waves carry energy and momentum from place to place. They are electromagnetic waves that travel through space and can interact with matter, causing various effects such as heating, chemical reactions, and vision.

The energy produced by elctromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This energy can be transferred through space and can be converted into various forms, such as heat or electricity, when it interacts with matter. Examples of electromagnetic waves include light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.

What do wave carry from one place to another?

Water, obviously, sand, rocks, seashells, sealife, and sometimes fish.

What are two types of waves that carry energy?

As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.As far as I know, ALL waves carry energy.