

What do white tigers hunt?

Updated: 6/25/2024
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12y ago

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White tigers hunt the same prey as any other tiger, they are just genetically mutated bengal tigers!

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1mo ago

White tigers typically hunt animals such as deer, wild boar, and water buffalo in the wild. They are carnivores and primarily prey on herbivores for food.

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When do white tigers hunt for food?

White tigers hunt for food at night.

What hunt white tigers?

White tigers hunt the same prey as any other tiger, they are just genetically mutated bengal tigers!

How does white tigers hunt?

hide & attack

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What are some animals that hunt tigers?

White tigers are the same species as regular tigers, only with a different fur color. And tigers, being top predators, aren't hunted by any other animal. Only humans hunt tigers, white or otherwise.

How do white tigers teeth help them in the wild?

White tigers teeth help them in the wild by helping them hunt for food.=0

White tiger prey?

In the wild, white tigers would hunt for the same prey as normal Bengal tigers, such as deer.

How can you help white Bengal tigers?

dont hunt them at all!

Are white tigers born knowing how to hunt?

No, their mothers teach them.

Do white tigers hunt elk or deer?

There really isn't a difference in tigers. Besides the obvious color... So Both Tigers hunt Elk, Deer, or whatever is in their region.

How do white tigers acked?

White tigers are solitary animals that hunt and kill their prey by stalking and ambush. They rely on their agility, powerful jaws, and sharp claws to take down their prey. White tigers primarily hunt by ambushing their prey and launching a surprise attack to overpower them.

What are the predaters of the white tiger?

Dhole packsother tigerspeoplebrown bearsbuffaloguar