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Q: What do you call a 12 digit number?
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How can a person call you from 12 digit number?

If all digits show up from an international call, you add to the normal number the country code.

What two digit number is a factor of 12?

12 is the only two digit number which is a factor of 12.

What do you call a 16 digit number?

a Quadrillion is a 16 digit number

What is a 35 digit number called?

I suggest you just call it that - a "35-digit number".

What is a 400 digit number called?

I would just call it a "400-digit number".

What is a number than more than one digit called?

We call them by the number of their digits. Two-digit number, three-digit number and so on.

Number in the tens place is three times the number in the ones place and the sum is 12 what is it?

i am a two digit # my tens digit# is 3 times my ones digit #and the sum of my digit is 12 what am i

What do you call a 9 digit number?

You would call it million.

You are a 2 digit number The sum of your digits is 12 your tens digit is 4 more than your ones digit What number are you?

The number is 84.

The largest 12- digit number where repeated digits are allowed?

If repeated digits are allowed, then the largest 12-digit number is 999,999,999,999 .If repeated digits are not allowed, then the largest 12-digit number is 989,898,989,898 .If the same digit can't be used more than once, then the largest possible number has only10 digits. The number is 9,876,543,210 .

You are a two-digit number your tens digit is 3 times your ones digit The sum of your digits is 12 What number are you?


You are a two digit number your tens diget number is three times your ones digit and the sum of your digit is 12 what is the answer?