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Q: What do you call a poem with 25 lines?
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What do you call it when in a poem lines repeat?


What do you call a piece from a poem?

A piece from a poem is called a stanza. Each stanza consists of a group of lines that form a verse within a poem.

What do you call a poem whose first and third and second and fourth lines rhyme in a verse?


How many lines does a colour poem have?

a color poem has anywhere from 12-15 lines

What do you call a poem consisting of 13 or 10 lines with two rhymes?

A poem consisting of 13 lines with two rhymes is called a rondeau prime, while a poem consisting of 10 lines with two rhymes is called a roundel. These forms typically have a specific rhyme scheme and structure that adds to their poetic appeal.

How many lines should an elegy poem be?

An elegy poem does not have to be a specific length.

What is a Formal division of lines in a poem?

The division in any poem is called a stanza. The second stanza begins where the words start at the space underneath the first stanza. Canto is another word that is used for division in a long poem, particularly epics.

A poem consisting of 14 lines?

A poem consisting of 14 lines is known as a sonnet.

How many lines are there in the poem the lady of shalott?

there are 171 lines in the poem lady of Shalott

What is a couplet quatrain?

A quatrain is, in poetry, a specific type of poem. There are not many rules to follow, and writing a quatrain is fairly simple. The quatrain contains just four lines. That's it and that's all the rules for writing a quatrain.

How many lines are in a prepositional poem?

You can have as many lines you wish to have. I hope that answers your question.

Is a stanza the first 3 lines of a poem?

A stanza is a group of lines in a poem that are separated by spaces. The number of lines in a stanza can vary, and it doesn't have to be specifically three lines.