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Q: What do you call people who are not wealthy but not poor either?
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Are Greek people wealthy or poor?

Greece has both wealthy people and poor people. But many are middle class.

How do you use the word wealthy in a sentence?

wealthy people should help poor people.

Are people in France poor or wealthy?

its sorta 70 30 with more richpeople than poor people

Was there a difference in what the wealthy greek people ate compared to the poor greek people?

yes wealthy people ate beef and poor people had a main diet of fish but both ate bread and drank wine

What did people do for a living in souther colonies?

People were either wealthy planters who owned large sucsesful plantations or the were poor white farmers. but most of the population was made up by slaves.

Do wealthy or poor get in to more sport?

I'm guessing both but id go with wealthy although poor people at my school go for every sport.

Did a poor ancient Egyptian get a tomb?

no only wealthy people

What was life like in Rome for poor people?

It was hard for poor people because they didnt have the proper care that the wealthy people needed.

Are people wealthy in Africa?

??? of course, although there are a great many more poor people

What do poor people wear?

It depends on the country, and how poor they are. Often they dress similarly to more wealthy people, but with less expensive fabrics.

What were the poor ancient Romans called?

Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.Poor people in ancient Rome were generally called by their names just as rich people were called by their names. Do not make the mistake of thinking that the poor were called plebeians (except at the beginning of the city) as there were many wealthy plebeians as well as wealthy people of other classes.

Why were class difference not important in the colonies?

the colonies were not divided into a few rich people and a large mass of poor people as in most of Europe. in the colonies, there was no royalty and no titled nobility. the difference between wealthy and poor people was less important in colonial society . A poor person could become wealthy by using knowledge, skills, and many cases, a man who was not part of the wealthy class could be elected to government position.