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A group or organization that helps with the protection of zoo animals is often called a wildlife conservation organization. One of the most popular wildlife conservation organization is World Wildlife Fund or WWF

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You can call them like guards, soldiers, etc and "especially" defenders of wildlife! Another term is conservationist.

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Q: What do you call people who protect endangered animals?
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What do you call those animals that are about to disappear?

Endangered [species]

How do people protect animals?

Some actively go out and help animals that are hurt or find themselves in difficult circumstances they form organizations like the RSPCA that looks after the interests of animals of all sorts. Politicians formulate laws that protect them. Some people will take in strays and look after them and protect them from harm and disease. People who find that animals are being mistreated call organizations like the RSPCA to come to the rescue. Conservationists are making people aware that we need to look after the environment in order to give animals habitat and living space. Zoo's and like organizations the world over are breeding endangered species to protect their gene pool from degenerating as the result of inbreeding. Yet other groups are investigating the possibilities in curing animals of infectious diseases that threaten them. There are also those that protest against the use of animals in medical and commercial experiments with some success.

What do you call a collector of pandas?

Simple, A STINKING POACHER! i mean really people, who hunts animals for their own benefit, POACHERS! i hate poachers, they hunt POOR DEFENCELESS ANIMALS FOR MONEY AND PERSONAL GAIN! why would you not know this? why? i mean, isn't it important for people to learn these things? seriously, they need to know, poachers are bad people, and further more it's illegal. ILLEGAL! please if you care about these animals and other endangered and poached animals, help support the the reserves and other such that are used for the protection these endangered animals, and if you know about anyone that's doing this, call the police, they'll handle it i assure you.

How many animals currently Call Lincoln Park home?

Currently, there are more than 2300 individual animals in Call Lincoln Park home. Most of it are endangered and indigineous species from Africa and Australia.

What do you call people who save the planet?

an "Animal saver"

What percent of the animals are endangered?

There are about 1,350 endangered species in Africa. Antarctica has over 80 endangered species Over 1,600 endangered species call North America home Europe has over 650 endangered species. Australia's endangered species number over 700 The number is more than 2,100 endangered species. I hope I answered your question!

What do you call people who are party animals?

Well,Party animals are Party animals they like to mingle with large groups of people.

What do you call people who study animals?


What do you call the animals which are not afraid of people?


What do poachers get for poaching?

Nature is a big place, it's impossible to watch it all. And animals can't call the police when they feel threatened. Unless someone see the poachers - which is unlikely as Nature is a big place - the poachers can get away with killing endangered animals. Endangered animals in countries where the average pay is low, and that that are popular tourist attractions - like mountain gorillas and somethimes rhinos - may be watched 24/7 by rangers to protect them from poaching.

What is the animals shelter in the desert?

Animals in the desert would dig holes in the ground or find a little cave and call it home

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

you call an animal expert.