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Q: What do you call snow that has been pressed solid?
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What do you call a solid precipitation that falls as balls or lumps of ice crystals?

snow and snow shower

Is snow a solid substance?

I think snow is solid.

Why is snow a solid?

Snow is a groups of crystallised ice (ice isthe solid of water)which makes snow the crystallised solid of water.

What do you call the solid substance form during precipitation?

For atmospheric processes it is called snow (in clouds) or hoar-frost (on landscape level). If it passed through an intermediate water phase, it would be hail.In physics, more in general it is called deposition, the inverse of sublimation, if it is below triple point, where solid and gaseous phase are in equilibrium without liquid phase.

Is a snowball liquid or solid?

Snow, and anything made out of snow, is solid; when it melts it becomes liquid.

Is snow a liquid?

Not really. Snow is minute particles of ice loosely joined together, and when you pack it together hard, all the particles of ice come together and makes one big lump of ice. Another thing; If it was liquid, it would be called rain, not snow.

Is snow a water vapor?

No, snow is a water solid.

Is snow a solide?

Yes, snow is a solid 'Snow' is the collective name for a pile of ice crystals, ice being the solid form of water.

What are the motion of particles for snow?

Solid because snow is literally ice and ice is a solid and a solids partials movement is still

Is snow a soild?

Yes. Snow is ice, which is water in the solid state.

What is the chemical content of snow?

Snow is solid water - H2O; of course snow contain many impurities.

Is snow inorganic?

Snow is water in the solid state, so yes, it is inorganic.