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Go to a local vet hospital and just tell them your concerned and they will let you know.

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Q: What do you do if your dog keeps sneezing?
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Who wrote the book the sneezing dog?

Enid Blyton

Have you heard of what vets call reverse sneezing and it seems like your dog is choking?

Yes,I have heard of of what vets call reverse sneezing. It is important to take your dog to the vet if it is choking.

Can a dog have a bloody watery discharge from their nose when sneezing during a sinus infection?

Yes; get such a dog to a vet ASAP.

Why does a dog constantly blow his nose its not sneezing and its not coughing He is eating as normal?

i think what you mean is reverse sneezing, it is normal its reverse of how how we sneeze when we sneeze we let hair out, they do the reverse

How can you tell that your dog is getting a cold?

common symptoms are shaking, breathing strangely,and sneezing.

What does it mean when your dog sneezing blood?

may be a medical condition that should be checked out by the dog doc....

What does it mean when your hamster keeps sneezing and sleeping all day?

it means that it is sick

On petz 5 your dog keeps burping?

if your dog keeps burping you might be feeding it to much once a day will do

What do you do if your dog has a mole on his back?

If it keeps bothering the dog and the dog can reach it you might want to have it removed

Can dogs catch human bugs?

they can start sneezing and they can catch rabies from us but its not common for a dog to get a bug from us.

If your dog has been sneezing a lot and lately started coughing in the mornings could he have a cold?

Take him to the vet. He could either have an upper respiratory infection or allergies. Either must be treated. Wash his bedding and make sure he doesn't have fleas, as they can cause bad allergies, as can grass, and many other things.

What does a cat have when it has a bloody nose and sneezing I adopted a kitten and he had a respiratory infection took him back and he was treated for 2 weeks get him home and now he is sneezing?

go back to the vet and get it checke agian. samw thing with my dog