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Q: What do you do with Edward Elgar 20 pound notes?
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Who was pictured on old 20 pound notes?

Sir Edward Elgar and the queen

When were the last Sir Edward Elgar Bank of England Twenty Pound notes issued?

The Bank of England advises that the Sir Edward Elgar style Twenty Pound note was withdrawn on the 30th of June, 2010. After the 30th of June, most banks, building societies and Post Offices will accept the old notes for deposits and other transactions for a few months. Exchange of notes, other than for transactions and deposits is at the discretion of the institution concerned. There is no obligation on banks to accept the old notes. The Bank of England further advises that - Genuine Bank of England notes that have been withdrawn from circulation retain their face value for all time and can be exchanged at the Bank of England in London. There is no fee for this service. See the link below.

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Will natwest change your old 20pound notes if im a customer?

will the NatWest bank change my saved old 20 pound notes if I am one of their customers

Where can you change my old irish 20 pound notes?

You would have to pay them in to a bank (if you still can).

How many monetary notes in a standard bundle for example how much would a bundle of 20 pound notes come to?

10 notes to a flat, 10 flats to a section, 5 sections to a bundle. ie. 500 notes to a bundle - so a bundle of £20 notes would be worth £10 000

Are there two types of British Twenty Pound note still in circulation?

The older style £20 note featuring Sir Edward Elgar on the reverse is still in circulation with the newer style note featuring Adam Smith on the reverse. The older style note will be progressively withdrawn from circulation and the date when its legal tender status ends will be announced.

Who is on the Bank of England 5 10 20 and 50 Pound notes?

See the Bank of England link below.

How much does a 120 pound person weigh on the moon?

20 pound's 20 pound's 20 pound's 20 pound's 20 pound's 20 pound's

What are the English Pound banknotes?

The currency of the UK is the Pound Sterling (or more normally, just Pound). The Bank of England produces all of the banknotes for England and Wales, whilst several banks in Northern Ireland and Scotland produce notes to their own designs. Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man also issue their own notes. The only notes in current issue in England are £5, £10, £20 and £50. Scotland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man also have £1 notes. Scotland and Northern Ireland also issue £100 notes.

When was the 100 pound note introduced in the UK?

Paper notes were printed in denominations between £20 and £1000 from as early as 1855.