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Put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy!

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Q: What do you do with a tooth you just pulled out?
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Should you get a root canal on a baby tooth?

No. That would just be a waste of time and money. In many cases, you wouldn't even get a root canal on a permanent tooth. You would most likely have it pulled depending on what tooth it is. Just have the baby-tooth pulled since it is going to be pulled someday, regardless.

After tooth pulled fever cold sweats?

I just had my tooth pulled yesterday that was infected, I too have a slight fever and had some sweating last night... That is normal when you have a fever

What is having a tooth pulled simile?

Getting a tooth pulled is like getting a shot.

Can you have a slushy after a pulled tooth?

Yep it is a big problem but to avoid this you can eat an ice-cream just after your tooth is broken down

Simile for getting a tooth pulled?

getting your tooth pulled is like being injected with a needle.

What do you do when your tooth has been pulled out and it hasn't grown for a month?

just wait for a few years, my bro had his tooth pulled out at 3 years old and it grew fully at 7 years old. but that only works if the tooth was onefrom the 1st set of teeth you get

Is it safe to have a tooth pulled?

Hope its not dangerous,im 5 mins from having a tooth pulled and i have had a head cold all week

Why are your lower teeth hurting on the same side I just got my wisdom tooth pulled?

u got your wisdom teeth pulled out dummy

How do you get your tooth pulled out?


What is the difference between a hamburger and a pulled tooth?

Tooth out like take out only tooth out

Does everyone have to get a tooth pulled?

No, sometimes the tooth falls out while you are asleep.

What is the difference between a cheap hamburger and the pulled tooth?

Tooth out like take out only tooth out