

Best Answer

first draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stopfirst draw from the upper left corner to the upper right corner then to the lower right corner from there to the middle next to the lower left corner finally up to the upper left corner then stop

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Q: What do you draw on the red door in isle of ruins?
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What is the crest symble on the isle of ruins in Zelda phantom hourglass?

The first crest that you draw on the red door is the hour glass symbol . The second symbol you draw after you come back, and the temple has changed is the tri force symbol you draw. That that will take on another route to another level.

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A red box with the three legs of man (trillion)

Which side to draw the hourglass on the red door?

Doesnt matter which side to draw it on the door as long as you dont take off the stylus

How do you draw the symbol on the red door in the ocean kings temple for the first time?

Draw hourglass

How do you draw the hourglass to get into the ocean santuary red door?

Like a vertical bow.

How do you you get past the red door in phantom hourglass?

you have to draw an hourglass in a single stroke

How do you find the crest in Zelda phantom hourglass?

which crest if you mean the triforce or hourglass, you have to draw it on the door, if you mean the sacred crest, it is past the first red door, the one you draw the hourglass

How do you complete temple of the ocean king again?

wel when you get to the red door where you write on it draw the triforce

What symbol do you draw on the red door outside of papuzia village?

Try drawing a timer symbol sideways

How do you get the red door open on Zelda?

you draw the sacred crest on the door in a single stroke. if you dont know what the sacred crest is, then your lost. the sacred crest is the triforces.

How do you draw the triangle thing on the red door in the temple of the ocean king in legend of Zelda phantom hourglass?

You draw a triangle than another triangle upside down inside of it.

How do you draw a farmhouse?

make a house in 3d , make the door on the front alot wider with a huge cross on it and colour it red and white