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This is a list of things we keep in a Winter Survival kit in the Boy Scouts... First Aid Kit (Bandages, etc...)


Flashlight (extra batteries)

Blankets (2+)

Water Bottle (if there is snow put it in the bottle and keep it close, the snow will melt)

Pocket Knife

Road Flares (can attract attention if lost)

Compass (same idea)

Whistle (Once again, same idea) Hope this helps

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Q: What do you include in a Winter survival kit?
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Where can one find a winter survival kit?

There are several places you can find and buy a winter survival kit. You can find them in travel and backpacking shops as well as on line on sites such as Amazon.

What do you have in your car?

I have my winter survival kit and paper towel with glass cleaner.

What might hypothetically be included in a zombie survival kit?

A zombie survival kit might include fire weapons, bombs, knives and other things that are necessary to fight against zombies. A zombie survival kit should also include bandages, disinfection materials and medicines.

Why do you need three meters of cord in a survival kit?

Many survival kits include nylon cord, string, twine or rope. In many survival situations these items are extraordinarily useful from building snares to hanging your cloths to dry cord/rope is a big yes in a survival kit.

What does a survival kit for the beach include?

Your beach survival kit should include sunscreen, lip balm, a first aid kit ,insect repellent, aloe vera or after sun cream. Zip lock bags are great for protecting your personal belongings and to put you wet suits into. Blankets and a sun hat and extra clothing.

What is different to a surival kit and a first aid kit?

A first aid kit is for medical use a survival kit is for survival in some emergency like getting lost in the jungle, mountains, at sea. A survival kit should contain a first aid kit.

What is a personal survival kit for?

A personal survival kit is for your personal needs. Any thing that you need to use or take or eat everyday. Just have your kit in a easy to get to location.

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What items and level of quality are needed for an adequate survival kit for varied activities?

A survival kit needs to supply, or give you the tools to furnish, MEDICAL CARE, SHELTER, SIGNALLING to attract rescue and SUSTENANCE. The ultimately simple survival kit is a good quality knife and reliable fire starter. If you are preparing for a survival kit you may consider also for how many people are you preparing for.

Where can one purchase winter survival clothing?

There are many places where one can purchase winter survival clothing. One can purchase winter survival clothing at popular on the web sources such as eBay and Amazon.

What did brian call the survival pack?

Brian called the survival pack in "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen, his "survival kit."

Who invented the multipurpose survival kit?

Matt Seipel