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to go onto pointe you will need to purchase gel pads that go around your toes and the ball of your foot. there are many different products that protect the foot however they are much the same it is many choice.

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Q: What do you need to get to go on your foot before you use ballet pointes?
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What grade in ballet do you need blocks?

I am on pointes and I am twelve. I'm in grade 5 ballet. But i do an extra class called Inter Foundation, which helped us to get enough strength to go on pointe in Grade 4. So you should probably wait until either your teacher says or until you are in Grade 5/6

What do you have to have in order to be on pointe in ballet?

Firstly, most dance schools demand that you're at least 13 years old, because it's important the bones in your foot are developed before you put them under the strain of being 'en pointe'. Secondly, you need pointe shoes. These are satin ballet shoes with ribbons, that have a wooden block at the end, and a flattened tip, to support your foot en pointe. It's very important to get the right type of shoe for your foot, and you need to go to a reputable ballet shop to get your shoes. Thirdly, you need strength in the metatarsal muscles in your foot, and also good body tension in general, so that it's easier for your foot to support your weight.

Does ballet help you to lose weight?

Ballet is a good form of exercise. It might help you lose weight but I think you need dedication to do that before or during you take ballet.

What is a low crowned foot?

I've heard it's a foot that is not very bendy. Let's say you were in ballet. You would need a bendy foot in order to go on pointe. Well a low crowned foot is a foot that is not very bendy. Hope it helps

What is a low crown?

I've heard it's a foot that is not very bendy. Let's say you were in Ballet. You would need a bendy foot in order to go on pointe. Well a low crowned foot is a foot that is not very bendy. Hope it helps

What are some skills used in ballet?

Ballet dancers need a strong lower body (foot and clalf) in order to be able to support their whole body on one foot and be able to dance on pointe. As for the upper body, they need to suck everything in, shoulders back, long neck, head high and long arms. Of course every dancer varies. Hope this helped :)

What shoes do you need for ballet?

Soft, leather ballet shoes

What do you need to beable to do ballet?

You need to be very physically fit, be physically flexible and have good balance. You will need ballet shoes, and it would also be a really good idea to enter ballet school to get taught properly how to perform ballet.

Do you have to break in ballet slippers?

You don't need to break in ballet flats, but you do need to break in pointe shoes.

Who is a current ballet dancer?

Me. You don't have to be famous to be a ballet dancer. You just need to go ballet lessons.

What do i need for ballet?

Leotard, tights, ballet flats, and pins for a hair bun.

What damage can pointe work in ballet do to your child?

It can really hurt your child if they don't get a good teacher or if they a not done developing. is your child just going up onto pointes? you need to make sure her shoes are a good fit and they are worn in otherwise if the shoe is lose or her ankles aren't strong enough to hold her weight she will roll on them and hurt her ankles