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with out bones we have no shape.

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Without bones we have no shape

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Q: What do you think it would be like to have no bones in our body?
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What does JFK look like?

He would look like a pile of bones if we were to dig his body up.

What would we be if we didn't have any bones?

If we didn't have any bones, we would be like invertebrate animals such as jellyfish or worms, with soft bodies supported by other structures like cartilage or fluid-filled cavities. Our bodies would lack the structure and support provided by bones, making movement and protection of our internal organs more challenging.

What are the names of the bones in a human body that a kid would understand?

skulll and simple stuff like that

Is a exoskelton like bones?

Yes, exoskeletons are like bones but bones are found in the inside of the body and an exoskeleton is found on the outside of the body (kind of like a protective shell)beetles have exoskeletons

What is the Purpose of the bones in the human body?

Well, without bones, your body would be like jelly. the muscles themselves cant sustain all the weight of your body, so that's when the bones come in and do their job to hold everything up and move around :)

What would happen if there no freely movable joint in the body?

If there were no freely movable joints in the body, then our bones cannot bend and stretch and we would have become like a statue.

What is the purpose of bones supporting the body?

If they didn't we would all be crawling along the ground like amoeba

What is a main function of the bones?

To maintain structure to the body, to move the body, to protect other organs ( yes, bones are considered an organ ), and to produce red and white blood cells, and to store minerals.

What is skelaton?

A skeleton is in your body is like bones

What is a skelaton?

A skeleton is in your body is like bones

Why does your body need support?

ur body needs support since without the support from our bones we would be unable to stand up and move around. We would be like jelly.

Why does bones change over time?

the fluid in your body heal your bones over time like if you broke your arm they would grow back in eight weeks top