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That's how my name is pronounced, so I find it a traditional Muslim name.

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Q: What do you think of the name Zara Fatima pronounce fatima like Fawtemah?
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How do you pronounce Quil from twilight?

you are pretty dumb if your going to ask this question...QUIL! how do you think its pronounced? idiots these days! cant any one just read a book and not know how to pronounce somebody's name! why are you so dumb!

How do you pronounce PorTia from the Hunger Games is it Por-ti-a or Port-a?

it's Por-ti-a I believe. It's pronounced Por-sha. I think. Because tia makes the sha sound. I think? But I'm not sure, because The Hunger Games has a whole bunch of unusual names.

How do you pronounce Maeve?

Maeve is of Celtic origin and is pronounced Mave, with a long a. I believe that how you have said to pronounce Maeve is a bit wrong and may lead people not knowing how to pronounce it correctly. I would more explain it as it is May-V. That is just my opinion on it. Also for anyone out there, not under any circumstances is Maeve ever Mauve or Meeve or any other weirdo way you think its pronounced. There are also a couple of other ways you can spell Maeve. You can spell it as Meadb, Medb, and a few more i can't remember. The meaning of Maeve is Intoxicating and it is an Irish Celtic name.

What is Eminems real name and why does he go by Eminem?

Eminem's real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III and Eminem came from his initials m and m and if u pronounce his initials quickly it sounds like M&M which came to a different spelling Eminem.

What comes to mind when you think of computer animation?

Youtube because when you think of youtube you think of computer animation. .

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beacsuse fatima is gaaayy! lol jkaayy i love yoouu (;

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no i do not no n i dont think anyone does :D

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