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A state that has been perturbed, ie, disturbed slightly. Often, the trick is that if you have a state whose time evolution is required, and a very similar state's time evolution is known, then we can try to model it such that the former is a perturbed state of latter and go ahead and solve it, that is , a small disturbance like electric or magnetic field is imparted to the latter state, which makes it the former state.

Let me be more explicit, a Hamiltonian H can be considered to be made of 2 parts, H = H0 + delta H , where H0 is a known Hamiltonian, and delta H is a disturbance imparted to it, to make it H. And as I said earlier, typically the disturbance is either an electric field or a magnetic field.

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1w ago

In physics, a perturbed state refers to a system that has been altered or disturbed from its original equilibrium state by an external influence or force. This disruption can lead to changes in the system's behavior or properties as it responds to the perturbation. Studying perturbed states helps in understanding the dynamics and stability of physical systems.

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