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The words are in alphabetical order, which allows you to find the correct definition if you have the correct spelling.

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Q: What do you use to look up a word in a dictionary?
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What can you do if you need a dictionary to look up the word severe and find out what the antonym is?

If you do not have a dictionary, you can look up the word in an online dictionary. You could also use an online thesaurus.

What method would you use to look up a word in a dictionary?

You would use the alphabet to look up a word in the dictionary because all of the words are in alphabetical order. Just select the first letter of the word and search for that in the dictionary.

Make a sentence with the word dictionary?

I use a dictionary to look up the definitions of unfamiliar words.

How can you use the word impious in a sentence?

look it up on the dictionary you fool

What is another word for neat?

tidy. use this or look it up in a dictionary.

How do you use the word glossary in a sentence?

Look up the definitions of your words in the glossary or in a dictionary.

How do you spell dishanary?

The thing you use to look up word definitions and their spellings is a DICTIONARY.

How do you find a definition?

You find the word in a dictionary and you can look up the word in an on line dictionary.

Is funner a real word?

No, it is not. If you look it up in the dictionary you will see it is a childish word that people make up. But if you look on the SCRABBLE dictionary on it is but they made it up.

Can you look in a dictionary to check the origin of borrowed word?

I am unable to look up information in a dictionary.

How do you write a sentence with the word dictionary?

I'd better look that up in the dictionary.

What would you use to look up the meaning of an unfamiliar word in the novel you're reading for English class?

You can use a dictionary or an online dictionary tool to look up the meaning of an unfamiliar word in the novel you're reading for English class. Reading the context in which the word is used may also provide you with clues to its meaning.