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Q: What does 'stay gold'mean from the book'gone with the wind'?
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Why do craters stay on the moon?

there is no wind on the moon

What is the reason footprints are on the moon?

There is no wind, and barely any gravity so the footprints will stay on the moon for yyyyyeeeeaaaarrrrrrsssss.

How does wind help a paper plane fly?

Wind helps a paper plane fly by providing the lift needed to keep it airborne. When wind flows over the wings of the paper plane, it creates a pressure difference which generates lift, allowing the plane to stay aloft. Additionally, wind can help stabilize the flight path and add momentum to the plane.

What would you do without wind?

you would stay warm

What are the importances of wind?

we need it for energy and to stay alive

How do spiders stay cool?

Spiders stay cool by swinging by their webs to catch wind. Sometimes the wind just carries them and they catch a breeze. Sorry for not going into deep explanation.

Why do footprints are left by astronuat stay as it is forever?

Because there is no wind.

How long do clouds stay in their form?

They don't stay in one form. They are constantly changing with the wind currents.

What is the wind effect on climate?

wind moves fronts along and causes the weather to change drastically or relatively stay the same

How does a bird stay in the air?

Because of their wings and the wind speed outside.

How does the flag stay on the moon?

There is no atmosphere, no wind, rain, dust to disturb it.

How does the wind structure help the bird fly?

the wind guides the bird better and helps it stay on path unless a horrible storm