

What does 10 square mile mean?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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It is an area equivalent to 25.9 square kilometres, approx. The area could be in the form of any 2-dimensional closed shape.

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Q: What does 10 square mile mean?
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What is 10 percent of a square mile?

10% of a square mile = 0.10 * a square mile

How many square acres in 10 square miles?

1 square mile = 640 acres, so 1 acre = 1/640 sq.mile, and 10 acre = 10/640 sq mile or 1/64 square mile [0.015625 square miles]

What is the difference between ten square miles and ten miles square?

Ten square miles is 10 1 mile by 1 mile squares, or a square area about 3.1622 miles (or 16,696.8 feet) to a side. Ten miles square is a square area 10 miles to a side, or 100 square miles in total.

Is a square mile 1 mile by 1 mile?

Yes but also 2 miles by half a mile 10 miles by 1/10th a mile etc

New jersey's population denstiy is about 1000 people per square mile Does this mean that every square mile in New Jersey has about 1000 people?

yes there is ABOUT 1000 people every square mile

How many miles are in ten acres?

Miles are length and acres are area, so the two cannot be compared. On the other hand, a square mile is 640 acres, so an acre is 1/640 of a square mile, and 10 acres = 10/640 sq. mile = 1/64 sq. mile.

How many acres are in a 1 mile?

An acre is a unit of area, and a linear mile is a measure of length, so they cannot really be compared. However, if you mean a square mile, there are 640 acres to a square mile.

New jersey's population is about 1000 people per square mile does that mean that every square mile has 1000 people on it?

hehe i dont know

One square mile is equal to how many square millimeters?

There are approx 2.59*10^12 or 2.6 trillion sq mm in one sq mile.

If a 10-square-mile area can support 30 cheetahs how many cheetahs can a 50-square-mile area of similar land support?

10 x 5 = 50 30 x 5 = 150

What is the permiter of a square mile?

The area doesn't tell you the perimeter.-- If the square mile is inside a circle, then the perimeter (circumference) is 3.545 miles.-- If the square mile is inside a square, then the perimeter is 4.000 miles.-- If the square mile is inside rectangle that's 2 miles long and 1/2 mile wide,then the perimeter is 5.000 miles.-- If the square mile is inside a rectangle that's 10 miles long and 0.1 mile wide,then the perimeter is 20.2 miles...etc.The area doesn't tell you the perimeter.

If every twenty-two people per square mile in Russia does this mean that every square mile has about twenty-two people?

no, because there may be places where there are over a thousand per square mile, like in Moscow, but other areas where there are 0 people per square mile, like the northern parts of Russia