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Q: What does ACOA stands for?
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What can I expect from a acoa spouse?

Being Married to an ACOA, is hard, very hard. If they have not done work on their AOCA issues, you really are in for a rough ride. You will need to deal with their constant push & pull of your affection. They nearly always have emotional intimacy issues. They will spend large amounts of time in personal isolation from you. You will crave for them to initiate affection, which they are incapable of doing. You will often think you are unloved. They always feel you will abandon them, so your relationship will be prone to their sabotage tactics. If you remain in a long term relationship with an unhealed ACOA, you will almost certainly need therapy yourself.

What is the best way to deal with an adult child of an alcoholic?

Send them to Alanon or ACOA, and then try to keep your hands off. You can't "deal" with people. You make suggestions, and they either follow them or they don't. If they are unwilling to make the changes they need to make, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

What does petingalo stand for?

P stands for : painfulE stands for : enormousT stands for : tinkleI stands for : ignitionN stands for : nothingG stands for : giganticA stands for : arthritisL stands for : lemonyO stands for : ow

Can a codependent and a narcissist be together?

Why would ANYONE want to be with a narcissist? A codependent would be about the only type of personality that could tolerate being with a narcissist, and they will pay a terrible price. Dump the narcissist and get some help with the codependency. ACOA, CODA, Al-anon and Nar-anon are as close as your telephone.

What is otr in Irish dancing dresses?

It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.It stands for off the rack.

What does bhumika stand for?

B STANDS FOR beautiful H stands for historical U stands for unreal M STANDS for mean I stands for incoapreative K stands for kind A stands for angry

How did Havana get named?

H stands for hoes, a stands for ass, v stands fro vagina, a stands for another, n stands for nothing but, a stands for ass.

What does AVID represent?

A stands for advancementV stands for viaI stands for individualD stands for determination

What is xlhdpe?

x stands for cross l stands for linked h stands for high d stands for density pe stands for poyeurathane

What are the stats on a baseball card and what do they mean?

G stands for games. AB stands for at bats. R stands for runs. H stands for hits. 2B stands for hits to second base. 3B stands for hits to third base. HR stands for home runs. RBI stands for runs batted in. SB stands for stolen bases. BB stands for walks. SO stands for strike outs. SLG stands for sluging. OPS is unknown. AVG stands for how good you are at batting.

Who are the kooks?

k stands for karlos o stands for oscar the other o stands for orgasmic k stands for katastrophy s stands for sexualy active :D k stands for karlos o stands for oscar the other o stands for orgasmic k stands for katastrophy s stands for sexualy active :D

What is a easeir way to remember the colours of the rainbow?

VIBGYOR where V stands for violet, I stands for indigo , B stands for blue , G stands for green , Y stands for yellow , O stands for orange and R stands for red