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after death


AD actually stands for "Anno Domini" which means "in the year of our lord".

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Q: What does AD mean if BC means before christ?
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What do abbreviations BC and AD mean?

BC means Before Christ AD means Ano Domini (after Christ)

What does AD an BC mean?

a.d. means anno domini and b.c. means before christ

What does AD or BC stand for?

BC comes before AD on a timeline. BC or BCE means before common era, AD means "In the year of Our Lord."BC first AD after

What does 1776 AD mean?

1776 AD means the year 1776 after christ was born, this year is 2011 AD. Forty years before Jesus was born it was 40 BC. BC: Before Christ AD: After Death

What does the Biblecal term BC and amp AD mean?

BC stands for "Before Christ" and refers to the years before the birth of Jesus Christ. AD stands for "Anno Domini" which is Latin for "In the year of our Lord" and refers to the years after the birth of Jesus Christ.

30 ADis how many year before Christ?

AD = Anno Domini which means after christ BC = Before Christ which means literally before christ Therefore 30 AD isn't even before Christ, it's 30 years after.

What is mean AD AND BC?

BC = Before Christ. AD = Anno Domini (latin) the year of Christ's birth.

What does AD and BD stands for date?

its AD and BC, and AD means anno domini (greek) means after the birth of christ and BC stands for before christ,before the birth of jesus. RG

Is AD means After Death? history...BC mean before christ, CE means common era, AH means After Hijra...

Is AD before Christ?

AD is a latin term which means "in the Year of our Lord". The actual date AD began was Year 1 which refers to the first year of Christ life on earth as a child. BC was the way time was recorded before Christ Birth.yes AD means after christ BC emans befor christ

What goes first ad or bc?

BC, because that means "before Christ". So 250 years BC is 250 years before Christ was born. AD means anno Domini, or "after death" (of Christ). The year 77 AD is 77 years after christ died. This year is 2008 AD.

What does the the word ad and bc belongs for?

I think it means After Death, AD, and Before Christ, BC.