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Alex Kuhic

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Q: What does Alisa miller say about Britney spears?
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What does a alisa miller say about britney spears?


Who is the next Britney Spears?

I don't think anybody could be the next Britney Spears. But like Britney Spears is looked at as this generation's Madonna. I would say that Lady GaGa is likely to follow in Britney's footsteps.

What Britney song say your loneliness ain t killing you no more?

Britney Spears- Stronger

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Who does Britney Spears need?

A ton of people say Birtney Spears needs to be a better role model

Was Britney Spears on the Titanic?

The Titanic sank April 15, 1912. Britney Spears was born December 2, 1981. I think it's safe to say that she was not on the Titanic.

What did Britney Spears say to you?

she was like, "wot are you? some lil' maggot?"

What is Britney Spears' best album?

Critics say that her newest album, Femme Fatale, is Spears' best album.

What does Britney Spears say at the beginning of Gimme More?

its britney b**chi see you. and i just want to dance with you.*laughs*

Who behaves better Jamie Lynn Spears or Britney Spears?

hard to say... probably Jamie Lynn- UnknownI would say both.- ClubPenguinLuvr

What did Kevin Federline say after Britney Spears shaved her head?

"Nice haircut Bri."

Is britney spears better than justin bieber?

That is an opinion question so people could think different answers but personally I think that Justin Bieber is better.