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After Hamlet has discovered that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are false friends who are acting on behalf of King Claudius, Hamlet tells the two that he knows that the King thinks he is mad, and says, "I am but mad north-north-west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw" (2.2.378-9). Literally, Hamlet is saying he is mad only when the wind blows in one particular point of the compass, north-north-west. In other words, he is mad only at certain times, or in certain situations.

If sanity can be metaphorically identified with a compass that points true north, then Hamlet is playing with the trope here, saying that his supposed madness is only a little bit crazy; he is not too far off the mark. Polonius himself observes that Hamlet's apparent mad statements have some "method"; he isn't allowing himself to stray very far from his true intentions, even when he is sorely pressed to do so. Probably his craziest moments are immediately after the Ghost's revelation in Act I when Horatio and Marcellus speak with him.

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Q: What does Hamlet mean in this quote you are but mad north northwest?
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