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Q: What does Irregular follicle found in left ovary means?
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Related questions

What does dominant follicle in left ovary mean?

A dominant follicle in the left ovary simply means that that particular follicle is responsible for releasing the egg for sterilization. The follicle that is not dominant will return the egg back to the ovary.

What is an ovarian follicle?

the hair follicle is a skin organ that produces hair.

What is a probable follicle on left ovary mean?

It means you recently ovulated on the left.

What is atypic follicular lesion of undetermined significance?

This term means that a lesion (or spot) on or around a follicle (in an ovary) has been found but the pathologist making this report is not sure if it is important or not.

Where does oogenesis?

Ovarian Follicle of the Ovary

What hormones stimulates follicle development in ovary?

Follicle-stimulating hormone

What does dominant follicle left ovary 21X25mm No pelvis ascites mean?

A dominant follicle on the left ovary that measure 21X25 mm is a follicular cyst that is also called a common cyst. No pelvic ascites means that there is no free fluid in the pelvis.

Does developing follicle means pregnancy?

A developing follicle is an egg maturing in your ovary. When it is mature it will release, and that is called ovulation. The sperm still has to fertilize the egg, and then the fertilized egg still needs to implant in the womb for you to be considered pregnant.

What structure in the ovary contains the developing oocyte egg?

in the Vesicular (Graafian) follicle

What is meant by the term ovary shows dominant follicle measuring 23 x 25 mm?

It means you're about to ovulate.

What is follicle stage?

A saclike structure located inside the ovary.

What is follicle stimulating hormone target tissue?

ovary and testis