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The 1st Chapter of John is very important because it tells us about the Divinity of Jesus Christ and proclaims that Christ is God. Jesus is the Son of God, but He is also God Himself, since He is of the same essence as God. John refers to the "Word" which in Greek is the "Logos" and it refers to a Person, not to a written word. "In the beginning was the Word" emphasises the eternal nature of the Logos as being co-eternal with the Father. In other words, Christ is the Beginning and the End, or to use the Greek words, He is the Alpha and the Omega. "The Word was with God" tells us that Christ is a distinct Person from God the Father, and is also in full communion with Him as the second Person of the Holy Trinity.

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The first chapter of the New Testament, which is the Gospel of John, introduces Jesus as the Word of God who became flesh and dwelt among us. It highlights Jesus's divine nature and his role in creation and salvation. The chapter sets the foundation for understanding Jesus's identity as the Son of God and the importance of believing in him for eternal life.

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