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Q: What does Jordan's portrait likely look like as an old man?
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Did Gertrude Stein like Picasso 's portrait of her?

Yes, Gertrude Stein liked Picasso's portrait of her. She famously remarked that the portrait didn't look like her, but that it would eventually. This portrait is considered one of Picasso's masterpieces.

Look at Quentin Massys's Grotesque Old Woman. This portrait most likely has?

D. A metaphorical meaning

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See the related link for his portrait.

What shoes are better Adidas or Jordans?

Jordans by far...they look a lot better as sneakers and as dressy shoes as well

Should you buy Jordans or Pumas?

Of course you should buy Jordans. Pumas are nice, blah blah blah, but Jordans will always be way better.They're more stylish, as in they look better, and they last longer. Jordans are already more popular than Pumas. Go Jordans.

Why do people wear jordans?

Why Jordans are so popular ? not because micheal jordan is famous -.- its because if people wear jordans they will have swag & they look awesome on everyone ^.^

What does Shakespeares eyes look like?

They don't look like anything now since Shakespeare has been dead for 400 years. Our best idea of what they looked like when he was alive is in the pictures of him. Unfortunately the best images we have of him are an engraving by Droushout and a statue in Stratford church. Of the paintings that people claim are of Shakespeare (and people will claim that virtually any painting from the seventeenth century of an unknown man is really of Shakespeare), the one called the Chandos portrait is the most likely. The one called the Sanders portrait is the next most likely.

What did Susanna Dickinson look like?

There is a link below to an article on Susanna Dickinson. It has a portrait of her.

What did Saint Matthew look like?

There were no cameras at the time and Matthew did not have his portrait painted so we have no idea what he might have looked like.

How did Justinian look like?

You can see what Justinian I looked like in a portrait of him on a mosaic at the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna (Italy)

Look at Hans Holbein's portrait of Erasmus. This portrait?

represents the sitters profession