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Q: What does Justin Timberlake like and dislike?
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We do not know if Justin Bieber wants to be like Justin Timberlake, but it is a possiblity that he may be his icon as we do not have access to his head.

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Is mike posner Justin Timberlake?

No, he is not. His style is like Justin Timberlake, and he looks similar to him, but they are two different people.

Who is Justin Timberlake's dad?

Justin Timberlake's dad is Randy Timberlake.

Who is Justin Timberlake's dad?

Justin Timberlake's dad is Randy Timberlake.

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It's Justin Timberlake.

Does Justin Timberlake have a Facebook account?

Yes, Justin Timberlake does have a Facebook account. He does not have his own personal page but he does have a fanpage that you can like.

What is Justin Timberlakes real name?

Justin Randall TimberlakeJustin Timberlake's real name is Justin Randall Timberlake

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Like Justin timberlake

What does Justin Timberlake like to do?

He likes to sing.

Does Justin Timberlake like ponies?

you bet

Who have Justin Timberlake's msn?

who have Justin timberlake adresse?"