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Q: What does Lady Gaga look like in normal clothes?
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she wears good clothes likely like lady gaga but not that much weird she is not like lady gaga but she dresses kinda weird :.)

Does Lady Gaga like to party?

Lady gaga loves to party. She wears great and unique clothes!! WOW UR DUMB

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Madonna wears crazy clothes. [Like Lady GaGa]

How do you look like lady gaga but a bit more tame?

be normal ;-)

How Lady Gaga looks like?

Normal she always looks good LOOKS LIKE LADY GAGA WITH A WIG I dunno whats with u cause maybe u don't like her

Why does Lady Gaga where clothes like an mad woman?

lady gaga wheres that kind of clothes because she did not fit in high school so she wanted a place for fans to hang out with her without being afriad of exspressing themself

What language dose Lady Gaga speak?

she speaks normal like English

What actors and actresses appeared in Cake Like Lady Gaga - 2012?

The cast of Cake Like Lady Gaga - 2012 includes: Lady Gaga as Lady Gaga

Did Lady Gaga like her name?

Lady Gaga does like her name. She is the one who came up with the name Lady Gaga.

Why do you like Lady Gaga brtter then kesha?

i hate lady gaga kesha rocks 100% more then lady gaga

Does Lady Gaga ever dress normal?

i think so. like when she goes out with her friends she might just be normal Stephanie

Did Lady Gaga ever get on broad way?

lady gaga what do like