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Q: What does NORA mean when she says and rdquoHe was a salmon traveling upstream though his past and ldquo?
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Related questions

How has technology afeccted fish?

Dams have been build blocking fish like salmon from climbing upstream to reproduce. The Dams are built to generate electricity with their generators and the make towns inhabitable though.

Why do salmon swim in the river?

Salmon leap if they meet a mini waterfall when they are heading up river to breed. The strong, muscly tails that they use for swimming also help them to trust them though the air. That is how and why a salmon leaps.

Why is the Salmon river called the river of no return?

"The Main Salmon River was called "The River of No Return" back in the early days when boats could navigate down the river, but could not get back up through the fast water and numerous rapids. The romantic name lives on today, even though jet boats can navigate upstream."

Do salmon eat grasshoppers?

salmon do not eat grasshoppers for they are to big so they might eat crickets . salmon do eat krill though wich is is a tiny metephor of shrimps

Are steelhead salmon?

This fish is the adult trout. A salmon is a totally different breed of fish. Even though they look similar.

What do salmon eat mushroom?

Salmon do not eat mushrooms. They primarily feed on smaller aquatic animals like shrimp, insects, and small fish. Mushrooms are not part of their natural diet.

Do salmen eat grasshoppers?

salmon do not eat grasshoppers for they are to big so they might eat crickets . salmon do eat krill though wich is is a tiny metephor of shrimps

Is traveling to Mexico domestic or international traveling?

From the US? It is international travel. If you mean NEW Mexico, that is domestic travel, though.

What is the life span of a salmon?

There are many different type of salmon so the specific answer will depend on the specific species. Generally though: Atlantic and Chinook Salmon would be the largest at about 150 cm while a common length for a Pink Salmon would only be 50cm

Why does salmon lose water even though it lives in the sea?

the salmon lose water because it has less sodium than water so it takes back in sea water in order to survive

Should you eat the dark layer on the bottom of salmon?

It's the skin, and it is certainly edible, though not everyone likes it.

What wilderness road served as the main route for settlers traveling though?

The Cumberland Gap