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'AUM' or 'OM' (pranava) is the most pronounced sacred symbol which means "the essence of entire universe".

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Q: What does OM mean in Hinduism?
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What are the important figures of Hinduism?

Do you mean "FIGURES" as numbers or pattern? The number is "OM" the patterns is "OM". It is a mantra. You can chant; "Om mani Padma Hum".

What religion says om?


What is the name of the sign of Hinduism?

the name of the sign of Hinduism is 'aum' or 'om'.

What is the name of the Hinduism symbol?

The name of the Holiest symbol of Hinduism is Om.

When was the sign used and who used it?

The sign used for Hinduism is the OM

What is the meaning of om sun?

Om is mainly used in eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism. It basically means "my Lord" or "my God".

What is something that starts with the letter o in Hinduism?

Type your answer here... The word is om

Why is the om religious to the Sikhs?

It is not sacred to the Sikhs. You are mixing up Sikhism with Hinduism.

What does the humanism mean?

There are two major symbols in Hinduism (or Sanatan Dharma): One is the symbol OM and the other is Swastika. Please specify which symbol you want information on.

What does the humanism symbol mean?

The humanism symbol, a stylized letter "H" with two horizontal bars, represents the ideology of humanism, which emphasizes the importance of reason, ethics, and human values. It symbolizes a commitment to human potential, dignity, and well-being, as well as a focus on critical thinking and secular values.

What does the gold symbol mean?

It means that Aum sign is the most prominent symbol of Hinduism. The Om symbol signifies divinity and the oneness of all the creations of God. Om or Aum presents the never ending Brahman, where all forms of life exist. In this article, we will tell you the meaning of Om symbol, which will help you understand what does this Hindu symbol Om signify.

Are ladies eligible to chant the mythological word OM Are there any restrictions?

no, according to Hinduism ladies are not allowed to chant om. According to Sacred Texts & Scriptures a female should chant the mantras without om.