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"I'm not sure but it has a familiar ring" (math riddle)

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im not sure but it has a familiar ring

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3y ago

I’m not sure but it has a o

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Q: What did professor Utterbunk say when asked Have you ever heard of the planet Saturn?
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What did professor utterbunk say when asked?

im not sure but it has a familiar ring

What are some good jokes about Saturn?

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I'm not exactly sure what is being asked here but the inner four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, are the terrestrial or rocky planets. The rest of the planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are not terrestrial or a rocky planet. If you trying to refer to which planets has moons: Mercury-0 Venus-0 Earth-1 Mars-2 Jupiter-66 (Galilean Moons) Saturn-62 Uranus-27 (Rape of the Lock characters) Neptune-13 (Includes Triton which is the largest moon in SS)

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This question is not clear. difficult to answer as asked.

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You must be talking about a vehicle from space, since there is no such thing as a Nissan Saturn. It's impossible to answer your question as asked.

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